@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
-<mapper namespace="com.pj.project.tb_orders.TbOrdersMapper">
- <resultMap id="model" autoMapping="true" type="com.pj.project.tb_orders.TbOrders"></resultMap>
- <sql id="select_sql">
- select *
- from tb_orders
- </sql>
- <select id="getList" resultMap="model">
- <include refid="select_sql"></include>
- <where>
- <if test=' this.has("id") '> and id = #{id} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("levelOneOrderId") '> and level_one_order_id = #{levelOneOrderId} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("orderNo") '> and order_no = #{orderNo} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("goodsId") '> and goods_id = #{goodsId} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("goodsName") '> and goods_name = #{goodsName} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("goodsFrom") '> and goods_from = #{goodsFrom} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("shipperPhone") '> and shipper_phone = #{shipperPhone} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("shipperName") '> and shipper_name = #{shipperName} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("driverId") '> and driver_id = #{driverId} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("driverName") '> and driver_name = #{driverName} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("driverPhone") '> and driver_phone = #{driverPhone} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("carId") '> and car_id = #{carId} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("carType") '> and car_type = #{carType} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("consigneeName") '> and consignee_name = #{consigneeName} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("consigneePhone") '> and consignee_phone = #{consigneePhone} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("declarationNumber") '> and declaration_number = #{declarationNumber} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("orderFinish") '> and order_finish = #{orderFinish} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("createTime") '> and create_time = #{createTime} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("createBy") '> and create_by = #{createBy} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("createName") '> and create_name = #{createName} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("updateTime") '> and update_time = #{updateTime} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("updateBy") '> and update_by = #{updateBy} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("updateName") '> and update_name = #{updateName} </if>
- <if test=' this.has("deleteStatus") '> and delete_status = #{deleteStatus} </if>
- </where>
- order by
- <choose>
- <when test='sortType == 1'> id desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 2'> level_one_order_id desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 3'> order_no desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 4'> goods_id desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 5'> goods_name desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 6'> goods_from desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 7'> shipper_phone desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 8'> shipper_name desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 9'> driver_id desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 10'> driver_name desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 11'> driver_phone desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 12'> car_id desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 13'> car_type desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 14'> consignee_name desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 15'> consignee_phone desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 16'> declaration_number desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 17'> order_finish desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 18'> create_time desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 19'> create_by desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 20'> create_name desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 21'> update_time desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 22'> update_by desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 23'> update_name desc </when>
- <when test='sortType == 24'> delete_status desc </when>
- <otherwise> id desc </otherwise>
- </choose>
- </select>